“Pukhraj” is known as “Topaz” in English. In Arabic, it’s called “Yaqoot-e-Asghar.” In Hindi, it’s referred to as “Yashabraga.” In Punjabi, it’s called “Pokhraj,” and in Sanskrit, it’s known as “Manikya” or “Manjula.” This white and yellowish gemstone resembles a sparkling crystal and is quite pleasing. In terms of value, it used to be of moderate worth, so it was accessible to both common people and the elite. However, due to current inflation, it’s now affordable mainly for the affluent.
Significance and Variations
In Sanskrit, “Manjula” signifies something that shines like fire. Since ancient times, it has been used for ornaments and adornment. In Arabic, it’s called “Yaqoot-e-Asghar” because it can withstand more polishing compared to other stones. Its particularity lies in its beauty. It’s superior to all other gemstones in terms of luster. In fact, the white topaz bears a striking resemblance to diamonds in terms of brilliance, but it can be distinguished based on its structure.
Colors and Chemical Composition
The colors and chemical compositions of Topaz: This gemstone comes in various colors such as colorless, yellow, pale yellow, straw yellow, blue, peach, and pink.
Rare Red and Precious Yellow
Red Topaz is rare, while yellow Topaz is considered more precious and attractive. The deeper the color, the more valuable it is perceived to be. In Sanskrit, this color is referred to as “Pita,” which Hindus consider auspicious. It contains the following chemical compounds:
Alumina – 55%
Silica – 32%
Fluorine – 13%
Properties and Composition
Composition: The following elements contribute to its composition:
Hardness – 8 degrees
Specific Gravity – 3.57 degrees
Refractive Index – 1.64 degrees
It can be cut alongside diamonds and sapphires and can also be used to cut glass and other gemstones.
Topaz in European and Sanskrit And Other Various Classifications
Categories: Europeans classify it into two types.
Eastern Topaz: Yellow or colorless.
Western Topaz: Found in all other colors.
Sanskrit divides it into four types:
Bhraman: Deep yellow Topaz.
Kathari: Yellowish-red Topaz.
Vaysh: White or colorless Topaz.
Shudra: Dark blackish Topaz, considered unlucky.
Expert Gemstone Categories
In Sub-Continental Gem experts categorize it into three types:
Sunehla: Yellow like gold.
Dhunnila: Chocolate brown.
Be Ranga: Colorless, like a crystal.
Artisans further divide it into three parts, though there is little technical difference, and they are named as follows:
The Magical Aura of Topaz – Historical Relevance and Properties
Flaws: Artisans describe its flaws similar to those of rubies. Besides, two specific flaws are identified:
Yogya: Yellow with noticeable red.
Dorengi: Yellow in one part and a different color in the rest.
Historical Relevance: In ancient times, it was used for kings’ crowns, armlets, and other adornments. Portugal’s royal crown boasts a high-quality yellow Topaz weighing 1680 carats, known as the Braganza, renowned for its cut, luster, and brilliance. It’s now a national gem at the Museum of Wonders.
Emperor Akbar’s personal dagger had a hilt adorned with Topaz, which is now in the Delhi Fort’s Wonder House and is considered a rare item of great value.
In the past, Arab generals used to have Topaz gemstones in their rings with the inscription “Fath Min Allah” in Arabic, which they wore for good luck. Such gemstones were even found in the ring of Sultan Salahuddin Ayyubi.
Topaz Medicinal and Magical Properties
Did you know that topaz is believed to have many medicinal and magical properties? It is said to be a powerful healing stone that can help heal physical, mental, and emotional ailments. It is also believed to bring good luck, abundance, and courage. If you’re looking for a way to increase your health and well-being, you may want to try using Topaz!
Medicinal Properties
Medicinal Properties: It enhances agility and vitality within the body. It counteracts attraction, blood disorders, and their negative effects. It alleviates the severity of hemorrhoids and boosts strength and power, ensuring good health. Wearing it sharpens eyesight.
Magical Properties
Magical Properties: It increases intelligence and lifespan, elevates self-confidence, and eliminates business complications. It promotes fairness and justice in demeanor and influences the uterus positively. It induces happiness and self-restraint in disposition, fosters purity and love, dispels sorrow and anger, and protects against excesses. It enhances memory and prevents the impact of black magic. It bestows honor and ranks upon high-ranking officials. It aids in wealth acquisition. In matters of love and marriage, it instills loyalty. It safeguards friendships and dear ones from separation. For those embarking on journeys or seeking success in travels, wearing it is fortunate.
Topaz According To Astrological and Numerological Aspects
Topaz is an interesting stone that has many astrological and numerological aspects. It is believed that this stone brings luck, success, and good fortune. In astrology, topaz is associated with the planet Jupiter and is said to help bring clarity, wisdom, and understanding. In numerology, topaz is said to bring balance, stability, and creativity.
Suitable for Astrological Signs
For those immersed in the world of tales and dreams, it imparts practicality. It is beneficial for those with weak memory and mental vulnerabilities. It supports individuals with wavering religious inclinations to strengthen their beliefs.
According to some experts, Topaz is linked with the planet Jupiter, while others associate it with Mercury. Occultists believe that people who are born with misfortunes due to the presence of Mercury will benefit from wearing this gem.
People under the zodiac signs of Sagittarius or Virgo will find wearing this gemstone helpful and beneficial.
For those who don’t know their zodiac sign but whose name starts with P, Th, K, Q, or H, wearing this gemstone will bring them benefits.
Topaz Across the Globe – From Brazil to India
The finest type of Topaz is found in the Minas Gerais state of Brazil, which is renowned worldwide for its color, appearance, and brilliance. Mexico also produces this gemstone, which is highly popular in America due to its vibrant colors. In Russia, Topaz is extracted in Alaska. However, its color fades and loses its beauty after extraction from the ground. It’s also found in Spain and is prevalent throughout most of Europe. Sri Lanka’s Topaz is famous globally for its color, appearance, and size. Its color is a superb yellow. It is also found in India.
Where To Buy Original Topaz In UK Online
If you’re on the hunt for genuine topaz gemstones available for online purchase in the UK, your search ends here. Our guide titled “Where to Buy Original Topaz in UK Online” is designed to steer you in the right direction. We’re thrilled to direct you to an excellent option: London Jewelers, an esteemed online retailer celebrated for its collection of quality gemstones. Delve into their wide-ranging catalog, showcasing a diverse selection of topaz jewelry, each piece guaranteed to be an authentic gem. To embark on a seamless and trustworthy shopping experience, take a virtual stroll through their offerings at LONDON JEWELERS. Uncover the ideal topaz piece that perfectly complements your style and sophistication.
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Q1: What is the significance of the name “Topaz” in different cultures?
Topaz goes by various names in different languages and cultures. In English, it’s known as “Topaz,” while Arabic refers to it as “Yaqoot-e-Asghar.” In Hindi, it’s “Yashabraga,” and Punjabi labels it as “Pokhraj.” In Sanskrit, it’s “Manikya” or “Manjula.”
Q2: How does Topaz’s color and chemical composition vary?
Topaz displays a wide range of colors, including colorless, yellow, pale yellow, straw yellow, blue, peach, and pink.
Q3: What are the special properties of Topaz?
Topaz possesses both medicinal and magical properties. It enhances vitality, counters blood disorders, and promotes overall well-being. Magically, it boosts intelligence, self-confidence, and business success, and fosters positive attributes.
Q4: Which astrological signs benefit from wearing Topaz?
Topaz is believed to benefit individuals born under the zodiac signs of Sagittarius or Virgo. It’s also associated with the planets Jupiter and Mercury, offering benefits to those with specific names and initials.
Q5: Where can Topaz be found around the world?
Topaz is found in various regions, including Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Spain, Europe, Sri Lanka, and India. These locations contribute to the diverse color and appearance of this gemstone.
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