The month of December 2019 brings a great planetary aspect which is the sextile of Venus and Mars. Venus is a femininity symbol. It is a bright star in eastern sky and can be seen with human eye early in the morning. The planet Venus generates and enhances feminine energy. Maris is a symbol of masculinity. It is also known as Red Planet. Mars is the planet of passion and energy.
The combination of Venus and Mars energies blows new spirit to love. It is often seen that with the passage of time human emotions starts to fade and lose their vividness. The absence of passions from a relation creates distance. People living under one roof are millions of miles away from each other mentally. Sometimes this relation of love dies by taking the sip from the poisonous cup of separation.
The relation of love is the most valuable asset for those who cherish it. Their personal universe of hopes, dreams and passions revolves around love. Different circumstances or reasons bring distance in relations. This distance can result in permanent separation or the flame of love loses it warmth and energy. It seems that the fruit of love has been bitten by a venomous snake and has poisoned the feelings of a couple and they have to face the exodus from the paradise of their love.
There are many in our society facing these problems. They can benefit from this great planetary event.
Please visit the link to understand what does Venus sextile Mars mean.
Time of Venus and Mars Sextile
In astrology Venus is associated to female while Mars to male. Venus is love and passion and Mars is energy and power. The sextile of these two works as force of attraction. This auspicious event will start on 2 December 2019 at 03:09 after midnight. The event will reach its peak on 3 December 2019 at 20:48. The sextile will end on 5 December 2019 at 14:31.
Powerful Love Amulet
On the Venus and Mars sextile we are presenting a powerful love amulet. This will breathe new energy and passions to the dying love relation. This will give new life to love by burning the flames of passions as never experienced before. The amulet will unite a couple. The ex love can also be brought back.
If a married relation is under the threat of divorce and a partner wants to stop the divorce to have a happy married life or if wife or husband has left and other partner wants him/her back then the power of this magical amulet will bring them back.
The amulet will be made at night during the hour of Venus which is near to peak event time.
How To Make Love Amulet
We now tell how to make love amulet. To make this amulet we will select a clean place. Before sitting to make the amulet it is better to burn the incense of Venus and during the writing it must be burning continuously.
Now write 81 amulets with the ink of saffron and rose water. Please make sure that all amulets are written on white paper. It is better to use a thin paper or butter paper. The amulet will be written as per fire element method.
The complete amulet is given here. You only have to follow the writing method.

The number 16 is not written in this amulet. Those are familiar with the art of amulet making will understand the reason.
How To Use Amulet
Now we will explain how to use amulet. If you have made the amulet on 81 papers then place all papers on each other and roll. Take a piece of cloth of the person you desire and wrap over the rolled amulets. Put some cow clarified butter and honey in a clay pot to burn. Mix butter and honey well. Also place few drops of butter and honey on the cloth that is wrapped on the amulets. Please note one thing that this amulet will be burnt for 9 days, therefore it will be burnt daily few centimetres. Place the pot in the direction of your husband/wife/lover house and burn it. Sit near it and recite the following love amulet mantra or conjuration for 81 times.
Bring (name of the person with his/her mother name) to me immediately and make him/her obey me O Sarhamaelo in the name of Faa.
The mantra or conjuration can be recited as:
Bring (name of the person with his/her mother name) to me immediately and make him/her obey me Yaa Sarhamaelo bey haq e Yaa Faa.
When recitation is over extinguish the flame of the amulet. Next day during the hour of Venus fire the amulet and do the recitation. The entire method will be repeated for continuous 9 days.
During recitation if the butter and honey are finished you can add more to the pot.
Your love, wife or husband will contact you during these nine days and will desire to meet you and he/she will surrender to you. If person comes during these 9 days then stop the process.
People who have the knowledge of amulet making must start writing from number 12 and finish it on number 28. Make amulet as per our given example. Please note that if the amulet is not written as per the above example then it will not work and will show no effects.
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