The Fascinating History of Ilm e Jafar: Origins and Evolution

ilm e jafar in english

Master the Art of Ilm e Jafar in English: A Comprehensive Guide to Learning

Roohanialoom proudly presents a series of articles on ilm e Jafar in English language. Roohanialoom is the first institute in history to bring Jafar into English. In this series, readers will be able to learn ilm e Jafar through the English language. These articles will provide material for beginner to advance levels.

About Ilm e Jafar Series

As mentioned earlier that we are starting a series in the English language. The following topics will be covered in the series:

  1. Introduction of Ilm e Jafar
  2. Jafar terminology
  3. English alphabet of Ilm e Jafar
  4. Some Ilm e Jafar formulas/methods with the English alphabet
  5. Talisman and amulet making with Ilm e Jafar

In the first article of the series, we are giving a brief introduction and useful information for the readers which will be very helpful to work with Ilm e Jafar.

What is Ilm e Jafar?

Ilm e Jafar is the knowledge of letters (alphabets) and their numeric values. Jafar is mostly used for divination. Jafar is basically knowledge where a person seeks future guidance through his questions. Jafar provides answers in a unique way. To get an answer to a question the master of Jafar has to select a Jafar formula or method. He will complete all the steps according to that particular formula. He cannot mix one formula with another as it will bring the wrong answers. There are many formulas in Jafar to get answers. It is said that even in modern times there are more than 300000 formulas of Jafar in practice. The selection of the formula is the choice of the Jafar master.

See also  ILM e JAFR: Facts Of Various Methods Part 1

History Of Ilm e Jafar In English

Jafar is a divine knowledge. The true possessors of this knowledge are Prophets and their Imams who were given this knowledge by the All-Knowing God. According to the traditions, the knowledge of Jafar began when God Almighty made Adam (peace be upon him) HIS caliph on the planet Earth. Few traditions also say that the knowledge of the names of Adam (peace be upon him) has a direct connection with Jafar. From Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) Jafar continued in successive generations of Prophets, Imams and their followers. Each and every type of knowledge was given to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him and His Progeny).

The knowledge of Jafar also prostrated at the doors of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him and His Progeny). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him and His Progeny). said that ‘’I am the city of knowledge and Ali (aley hissalam) is the gate of the city of knowledge’’. Like all other knowledge, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him and His Progeny). also taught Jafar to Imam Ali (aley hissalam). Then the knowledge of Jafar passed in the lineage of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him and His Progeny). Different Imams (aley hissalam) used jafar at different periods of time. We find many traditions about it. The grandson of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon Him and His Progeny) Imam Jafar Sadiq (aley hissalam) laid down some rules and methods for the believers.

Which Islamic scholars used Ilm e Jafar?

There are countless Islamic scholars who used jafar in their lives. If we write their names then a book can be compiled. In their writings, these scholars proved the truthiness of Jafar. We are presenting here some references from history to show the authenticity of ILM e JAFAR. The scholar’s names and their writings on jafar in their books are given. A detailed article on this topic can be read at this link:

See also  Huruf al Muqatta’at - Disjoined Letters
Imam Ahmed Raza Barelvi Risala Fi Aljafr
Mansoor Ibne Halaj Baghdadi Sir Al Israr
Mansoor Ibe Arabi Behar Al Waquf ILM Al Haroof
Nasir Uddin Toosi Israr e Jafr
Imam Ghazali Zairjat o Ashraf Al Murrabaat
Imam Khomeini Kashaf ul Akhbar
Tookhi Al Falqi Sir Al Akhbar

What are the meanings of Jafar?

According to Arabic linguists, the meaning of Jafar is the skin of a goat or a bull. Some experts say Jafar means water well while others say it is a water-drinking tool made with animal skin and tied to a stick.

What are the uses of Ilm e Jafar?

The knowledge of jafar is used for divination, talismans, amulets and others objectives.

The Jafar is the science in which we use the power of letters and numbers. We can predict individual and global events before time. Through jafar we can also find the solution to problems.

What Are The Guidelines For Jafar Use?

The person who wants to possess the knowledge and use it must follow some strict rules in daily life. These rules include:

  1. Ablution
  2. Legitimate earning
  3. Abstain from illegitimate meanings
  4. Humble to people
  5. Always ask Almighty God for help to get an answer
  6. Regular in prayers
  7. Give charity and help others financially

What Are The Branches Or Divisions Of Jafar?

The knowledge of the jafar is divided into two branches. The first branch is named News (Al Akhbar). The second branch is called Impact (Aasar).

All the question-answer process is done through the News branch. The Impact branch is used to make different spiritual items such as talismans and amulets. In the next article, we will write jafar terminology.


About Tahir H 108 Articles
Meditation and spirituality are the love of my life.