Loh e Mubarak Al Fatiha

Loh e Mubarak Al Fatiha

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In this article I m going to demonstrate about attributed Loh of Surah Fatiha. I always try to define those Amaal that an undereducated person could also be able to understand and prepare it by own self. This Amal belongs to trine/sextile of mercury and Jupiter in planetary aspects. It will definitely work by the Gracing of Almighty and Merciful Allah. It’s time is coming in morning of 5th November at 2.45 A.M whose belong to Jafri Amaliyaat activities they always await for this timings.

Timing of this glance is like an extra additionally fortunate. If it has hindrance or inhibitory by any reconciliation of Almighty Allah so it will be an other condition that the influence of this Amal will be dispel otherwise its efficacy is incontestable.

All those peoples who are in search of employment and doing lots of efforts but not getting the job, those peoples who are facing loss day by day in their business or who unfortunately can feel that there have some closure in the way of success about business. Those peoples who wish to reciprocate and it is not going to be done cause of any consequence or those peoples who are getting difficulties in growing of promotion and progression and those peoples who are going with prohibition and obstacles about education.

InshAllah this Loh will make you fortunate.

Method of preparation Loh e Mubarak Al Fatiha

Get figures of Surah Fatiha through Abjad e Qamri fill the Naqsh e Murabba Ateeshi by taking figures of yours name with yours mother’s name and motive. Now regular recite Surah Fatiha 101 times at same fixed timings with Durood Shareef in beginning and end this process will be continue for 11 days and on 12 day wear the Loh in your neck as a necklace InshAllah your purpose will be fulfill by  the blessedness and courtesy of Almighty Allah .

Example: Figures of applicant name with mother’s name is 461

Figures of Surah e Fatiha is 10146

Figures of motive (کاروبار میں ترقی ہو) is 1251

Some people can take objection on my sequitur figure of Surah Fatiha because often most peoples write (9360) this figure of Surah Fatiha. Now please let me clear one thing that without Bismillah the six verses of Surah Fatiha will remain when we know this Surah is called Sabaa Samaani if without compellation we will take figure so how will it be Sabba Samaani? Therefore with compellation 10146 will be digits.

Now have to fill these digits in Murabba e Ateeshi. It means first according to the method minus figure of 30 from total digits then the remaining figure will be divided in to 4 now the acquired fortunate figure will be placed in first mortise of the table then the single digit will be added in each figure and like this according to the artifice and method the table will be filled. One digit will be added in mortise #13 if any single digit will be remain by division if remain 2 so one digit will be placed in mortise #9 and if remain 3 so more one digit will be added in mortise #5.

In the given following example we have three figures. Figures of a person’s name with mother’s name are 461, figure of Surah Fatiha is 10146 and the last motive figure is 1251 now we have the total aggregate calculated figures are 11858 then figure of 30 will be take out according to the method so the figure will remain 11828 after divided it in to 4 the acquired fortunate figure will be 2957 now by placing this digits in first mortise of the table then filled the table with adding single digit like before we explained so the table showed in the given  form.

First analyze on the given methodical Naqsh

This given Nasqsh has been methodized and composed by according to the given method.

Design the border of Naqosh according to the given method of it. Fumigate the Olibanum (Bukhoor) of mercury and Jupiter together. Sequitur the Naqsh before the determined timings and at time of preparation emboss it on silver plate through any acuminate thing. All the details have been defined methodically. Every person can easily prepare it by themselves albeit those people who want to get it by us they can directly contact with us before the peculiar time.

See also  Loh e Fatohat o Taskheer
About Tahir H 108 Articles
Meditation and spirituality are the love of my life.