Efficacious Istekhara

Efficacious Istekhara

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On new moon when the first Friday will come means (After passing the day timings of Thursday when the Friday’s night will take step to go on) so at that time after midnight (12 A.M) take bath and wear clean clothes and apply some fragrance. Put on some fragrant essential flowers on Musalla which you took for doing this Amal. Olibanum (Bukhoor) of Sandal should be lighten also at that place where you are going to do this Amal care about it that nobody except you should be there. First pray two rakaats of Nafal prayer in first rakaat after reciting Surah Fatiha recite Surah Alam Nashrah three times and in second rakaat after Surah Fatiha recite Surah Ikhlas three times in the ending of Prayer after Salam recite the given Ayat 101 times with Durood Shareef in beginning and end.

عالم الغیب فلا یظھر علی غیبہ احدا الا من ارتضی من رسول (سورہ الجن آیت نمبر ۲۶ اور ۲۷ کا شروع کا کچھ حصہ)۔

After reciting this Ayat again repeat this process of Prayer and reciting Ayat according to the given method you have to repeat this process of Prayer and Ayat three times. When you will complete this process then ask and pray to The Almighty Allah for the information what you need as a result or suffering any qualmishness and Inquietude about any work or problem means pray that Allah what is going to be done in (xyz) matter please guide or intimate me about it. After pray sleep on the Musalla at the direction of Qiblah. InshAllah all the situations will be revealed and disclosed but care for one thing that the timings of Fajar Prayer should not be missed. If you will take start to do this Amal from the first step of taking bath at 12 A.M so till 2 A.M within two hours you can get free. If unfortunately anything is not exposed on you at first night after done the process so repeat this process again at next night and if it’s needed so repeat it again at third night. Many peoples have taken benefits through this Amal and what we observed that this Amal gives its effects mostly in first night in very low ratio people need it to repeat but the maximum duration of this Amal is for three days. InshAllah all the unseen things which will relate with your problem will be disclosed clearly. Those people who will have completed this process with success they will come to know at first night.

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About Tahir H 108 Articles
Meditation and spirituality are the love of my life.