Sacred Ancient Magic – Do It Yourself And Make Life Successful


An event that occurred in heaven is presented in a very spectacular fashion throughout the creation of human history. The first man was undergoing a test to justify his creation. His opponent was not a creature of his own gender, but a very powerful creature who was supreme in his powers and who held the reins of the universal system.

This most powerful creature challenged the existence of a lesser creature, a human being. To decide which of the two is better, the creator of the both put a test before them.

The test was not physical, but intellectual because in the eyes of the creator, higher is the one who is superior in knowledge. Some objects were presented to angels and first human. The angels were asked that if you are true in your claim about the creation of the man then tell the names of these objects. The angels were unable to tell their names. Then a voice called and said to the first man i.e. Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) to tell the names. Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) told the names of all objects.

Words are essential for any conversation. Words are made up of letters. Almighty ALLAH, first gave man the knowledge of letters through Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). A certain section of the society tries to prove that man was ignorant of everything when he came into this world and then over time experiences gave him knowledge, which is a completely wrong theory.

Every creator knows the needs of his creation. A car manufacturer knows that a car will move if it gets power from the fuel. In order to control the movement of the vehicle in the right direction, steering, brake, speed devices are installed in it.

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He who is the greatest creator of the universe provided the needs of every creature before his creation. Man needed a spoken and written language to communicate and for this purpose, he was given the knowledge of letters with his creation so that he could lead a successful life.

Importance Of Letters

Letters are the building blocks of a language. Language holds profound importance in human communication and understanding. Letters serve as the fundamental elements of written expression, enabling us to convey thoughts, ideas, and emotions across time and space. Each letter represents a distinct sound or concept, forming the basis of words in various languages. It is the power of letters that enable us to create words, sentences, and entire narratives. Letters also facilitate the exchange of information and knowledge between individuals and generations. Without letters it not possible to a have verbal and written communication. It is the magic of letters that has given power to humans to record history, share stories, and engage in complex discourse.

Huruf al Muqatta’at – Disjoined Letters

Moreover, letters play an essential role to literacy and education. Letters serve as the foundation upon which reading and writing skills are developed. A child’s journey towards literacy begins with learning the alphabets. For a child alphabets are tools to decode written language and comprehend textual content. A person gains access to a world of information and opportunities by learning and mastering the alphabets. It empowers him to communicate effectively, pursue education, and participate fully in society. Letters are symbol of national identity and culture. They reflect the unique linguistic heritage of different communities around the globe. They are the keys that unlock the doors to knowledge and expression.

History Of Letters

The history of letters goes back to ancient civilizations. They sought to communicate and record information through symbolic representations. The writing system is linked to the Pictograph writing systems of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China. In these societies images and symbols evolved into more abstract forms representing sounds and concepts. With the passage of time these pictograms developed into syllabic and alphabetic scripts. The invention of the alphabet with their discrete symbols and sounds is a milestone in human history. Near around 1050 BCE the Phoenician alphabet system was developed. It served as the basis for many writing systems, including the Greek, Latin, and Cyrillic alphabets. All these are still in use today.

Writing systems across the globe changed and expanded as civilizations thrived and interacted via trade and conquest. It reflects the linguistic and cultural diversity of human society. The spread of writing technologies enabled the transfer of information, products, and ideas over great distances and advancing human civilization. Every civilization gave its writing system its own distinctive features, adapting it to fit its language and cultural milieu. Letters have always been a symbol of human intellect and inventiveness, from the geometric perfection of hieroglyphs to the graceful calligraphy of Arabic and Chinese characters, which have preserved the richness of human experience through communication.

Impact Of Letters

The letters have profound and multifaceted impact on speech, writing, literature, and poetry. They provide the structural foundation for a language. Letters enable human to have a coherent communication through speech and writing. Letters control phonetics and pronunciation in speech ensuring accuracy and lucidity in spoken language. Letters are the building blocks of alphabets. They enable the creation of words, sentences, and narratives. With their help humans convey complex ideas and emotions. Letters are the artistic tools through which poetry and literature vivid expressions are crafted with deep emotions and to greatly explore human life.

Prominent thinkers from antiquity, like Confucius in ancient China and Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle in ancient Greece, have used the power of letters to have philosophical conversations and influence the intellectual climate of their own cultures. Even now, generations are still inspired and influenced by their spoken words, which are frequently captured and preserved in written literature. Classics of Homer’s “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” and Shakespeare’s “Plays and Sonnets,” demonstrate the continued significance of letters in storytelling and artistic expression. Through their grasp of language and letters, these ancient greats, who showed the everlasting power of words to inform, entertain, and inspire, left an enduring influence on human society.

Use Of Letters In Magic / Magick

The use of letters in magic or magick is deeply rooted in various occult traditions and esoteric systems. In magic the letters are imbued with symbols. In magick letters are used for invoking, evoking, and manipulating spiritual forces. Every culture and society have their own alphabets with mystical and symbolic associations to use these in rituals, amulets and talismans. Each letter has a unique energy, frequency and vibration. A practitioner or spiritualist utilize energy of letters to manifest his intentions and desires through various magical formulas.

The magical sigils are created with the help of letters. The letters then transformed into abstract symbols that represent specific intentions, desires and entities. Practitioners often use a technique known as “sigilization” to create sigils by combining and rearranging letters to form a unique symbol. These sigils are later charged with magical energy to bring desired outcomes. These sigils can be used for protection, healing, wealth, love and manifestation. Letters are also inscribed on talisman, amulets and tools of magic for imbuing them with magical energies. The use of letters in magic is to manipulate the invisible forces of the universe to bring change in life or a situation as per the will of the practitioner.

How To Craft A Sigil

Anyone can make sigils but there are certain rules to be followed otherwise all your effort is a waste of time.

The first rule is the intention behind the sigil. If your mind is not clear what you want or you have doubts then no magic can work. When you are clear and confident of your intention begin by identifying the ruling planet corresponding to your desire. Each planet carries its own energy and this energy has great impact on life. When you know the link between your desire and ruling planet then it becomes very easy to work with the energy.

The next step is to know position of the ruling planet of your desire whether it is in a benefic or malefic state. In addition, you must pay attention to the position of the Moon and the Sun. Moon phases can influence your work. The Sun position can change the overall energy flow of your sigil. Also look at the planetary aspects. The sigil must be crafted in the positive aspects.

By following these rules, you align sigil-making process and work with rhythms of the universal energy to enhance the effectiveness of your magical work. Now the sigil made by you is imbued with the harmonious energies of the cosmos. This sigil is fully charged now to bring about your desired outcome.

The sigil given here is a love sigil. A guy named Aamir wants love of a girl named Madiha. This sigil will soften the heart of Madiha and love Aamir.

Our readers can acquire sigils from us. These sigils are made at the most favourable time.

We also make sigils in Arabic and Persian.

About Mustjab 17 Articles
Mustjab is in the field of spirituality over a decade. What makes him different in this filed is his unique approach in understanding spirituality and its connection with human life. He uses various tools to study individual cases to the depth so that he can prescribe a best spiritual treatment. He is well versed in using different divine knowledge such as ILM ul JAFAR, ILM ul RAMAL, Astrology, Radiesthesia with physical and spiritual healing. He has mastery skills in various divination tools. He has not limited himself to a certain school of spiritualism. He has a great command over Arab astrological magic along with Western and Vedic magic. He believes that the source of life in a divine energy created by Almighty. This divine energy continues its journey even after the death of the body. Being human we have to explore and elevate divine energy so that it remains in a permanent connection with its Creator to become supernatural to conquer the universe.

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