Husband Wife Love And Marrying Your Love

Nature created humans with the combination of fire, water, clay and air. A human is also given the appetite to excel for the best in life.  It is hunger to excel that has resulted in inventions and modernity to every field of life. If we observe closely we will find that the love is a natural element in every creation. It will not be wrong to say that every day human struggle revolves around love. This love can be to improve family status or to have a prominent place in the society.

Every human also has this dream to have a life partner with whom he can share happiness and grieves. The foundation of marriage is based on this philosophy. With time the love starts to fade away from this relation. Those who promised to hold each hand in every trouble seem miles away under one roof. There are lots of people who worship someone in their hearts but have fears of rejection if they express their feelings. If they are succeeded to enkindle their love then they face many obstacles to nurture their love. We also find lots of families where relatives do not talk to each other for years.

We are presenting here a precious spiritual method which holds prominent place for its effects in creating love and harmony. This method is well known for creating great love in marital relations. This will also help those who want to marry a particular person. Similarly this method will remove hatred among relatives and bind them in love.

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We now elaborate this spiritual method so that any person can make it for him or herself. In this method we will prepare two talisman or amulets. The first amulet will be for the person who wants to get benefits from it and the second amulet for the person whom you want to attract. The amulet will be prepared according to the rules of Zulkitabat.

Please note that both the amulets must of same size. Each and every box must of same width and height. If they are not equal then the amulets will not show their spiritual powers. We also want to mention here that if you want to marry to a particular person then the second amulet will be made for the person who is opposing this marriage so that his or her heart is melted in your favour.  The amulets will be made in square of fire element. We are giving square here so that you can prepare the amulet without any hindrance.

The amulets can be made on silver or white paper. If the amulets are made on silver then these will be placed in the warm water for few hours daily. If prepared on paper then place one amulet on the other and wear in your neck or arm. The amulets must be made on the first Thursday or Friday of every new moon.

In this spiritual method we will take help of verse no. 93 of Surah Taha from the Holy Quran. We will take only a portion of the verse which is:

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Numeric values of the first person name along with mother name: 1094
Portion of the verse والقیت numeric values: 547
Portion of the verse علیک numeric values: 130
Portion of the verse محبتہ منی numeric values: 550


والقیت علیک محبتہ منی ولتصنع علی عینی

We explain the method with an example here. We will prepare the first amulet which is required for the person who wants to create his or her love in other person heart. We will take the numeric values according to the Lunar Arabic Alphabat (Abjad e Qamari). First of all we will take the numeric values of the name of the person with his/her mother name.  Then we will take the numeric values of the portion of the verse which belongs to the first person. The portion of the verse for the first person is:

والقیت علیک محبتہ منی

As we have mentioned earlier that the amulets will be made as per the rules of Zulkitabat therefore we have to split the verse in three parts. The table for the amulet for the first person will be like this:

We will make the first amulet by taking the value of the portion of the verse  Wa Alkaita which is 547. We will subtract 1 from the value and fill the box numbers one to four. After subtraction the new value is 546. The amulet will be made as per the method of square fire element. Therefore we will place 546 in the first box. In the second box we will not put any value instead we will write the portion of the verse that we are using to fill first four boxes which is  والقیت   . In box number three 548 will be placed and in box number four the value of 549 will be written.

From box number five to eight we are going to use the value of the name of the first person which is 1094. We will subtract 2 from this value and we will get a new total of 1092. We will place this value in the box number five. By adding one to this value we will put 1093 in the box number six. In box number seven we will write the name of the first person along with his/her mother name. In the box number seven we will write 1095.

Now we fill the box number nine to twelve of the amulet. For these boxes we will use the value of the portion of the verse  علیک  . The value of this portion is 130. Please note that we will not subtract any value from this total. In the box number nine we will write this portion of the verse instead of any value. In the box number ten we will place a value of 131. By adding 1 to this value we will put 132 in the box number eleven and in the box number twelve a value of 133 will be written.

We will fill the last four boxes of the amulet from box number thirteen to sixteen. For these boxes we will use the portion of verse  محبتہ منی  . The value of this portion is 550. We will subtract 3 from this value to get new value of 547. This value will be placed in the box number thirteen. By adding 1 to this total we will put 548 in the box number fourteen. Again add 1 more to the total to place 549 in the box number fifteen. In the box number sixteen instead of any value we will write the portion of the    محبتہ  منی .

We will now prepare the second amulet. For this amulet we will take these values :


Numeric values of the Name of the second person along with his mother name: 305
Numeric value of the portion ولتصنع of the verse: 646
Numeric value of the portion علی of the verse: 110
Numeric value of the portion عینی of the verse: 550

The second amulet will also be prepared as the square of fire element. To fill the box number one to four we will take the value of the portion of the verse ولتصنع  which is 646. Subtract 1 from this total to place a value of 645 in the box number one. In the box number two we will write ولتصنع  . In the box number three 647 will be written. In the box number four we will add 1 more to this value to place 648.

The box numbers from five to eight will be filled with the value of the second person name which is 305. Subtract 2 from this value to place a value of 303 in the box number five. By adding one more to this total we will put 304 in the box number six. In box number seven we will write the name of the second person along with his/her mother name. In the box number eight we will write 306.

For box number nine to twelve we will take the value of the portion of the verse علی . Its value is 110. We will not subtract any value from it. We will write علی  in the ninth box. A value of 111 will be placed in the tenth box. Add one more to this total to put a value of 112 in the eleventh box. For the box number twelve we will add one more to this total and place 113 here.

To fill box number thirteen to sixteen we will use the value of the portion عینی  which is 140. We will subtract 3 from this value to place 137 in the box number thirteen. By adding one more to this value we will place 138 in the box number fourteen. For box number fifteen add one more to place 139 here. In the box number sixteen we will write the portion of the verse عینی  .

Our both amulets are prepared now.

These amulets are very popular in the world of spirituality for their great effects. If these are prepared as per the method written above then these amulets give hundred percent results.

About Tahir H 108 Articles
Meditation and spirituality are the love of my life.