Amicable Numbers (Adad e Mutehaba) Their Magical Power And Conquest

It will be impossible for human community to have a life without numbers. Human life is divided into various numbers. From age to working hours, clocks to schedules, money in the wallet to the stock exchange. From complex formulas of chemistry, physics and mathematics to weight scales in a shop. Human are always dependent on numbers.

When we study ancient civilizations we come to know that certain numbers were considered sacred. The Maya and Egyptian considered some numbers holy or magical. Renowned Greek philosopher Pythagoras said that “The world is built upon the power of numbers”.

The role of numbers in the creation of the universe has been mentioned in the Holy Quran. The verse number 28 of Surah Al Jinn states that ‘’everything has been covered in numbers’’.

In human history numbers became a source of divination and magic. If we look around we find that the entire universe is composed of mathematical codes. Every creation is an example of numbers. Human body is a complete example of numbers such as 1,2 and 5.

Apart from this, other matters linked to human life can be expressed in numbers including names, words, birth dates and birthplaces to foresee a person future and his personality. Numbers also have strongest connection with vibrations of the universe.

Amicable numbers holds a prominent place in the world of spirituality and occult. The amicable numbers are also knows as Love Pair due to their magical powers in love and conquest of all sorts. The first pair of amicable number is 220 and 284. These two are amicable numbers because 220 can be evenly divided by 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55 and 110. When we add all these numbers (equal divider of 220) we get number 284. The number 284 can evenly be divided by 1, 2, 4, 71, and 142. When we add these numbers we get number 220.

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amicable nos list

Such pairs of numbers are called amicable numbers. Due to this chemistry these numbers attract each other and create strong relation.

The few pairs of amicable numbers are: (220, 284), (1184, 1210), (2620, 2924), (5020, 5564), (6232, 6368). Thabit Ibn e Qurra, an Iraqi mathematician was the first person who wrote about the formula of amicable numbers. The other Arab personalities who have worked on these numbers include famous Arab astronomer Maslama Al Majriti, Al Khatib Al Baghdadi and Al Farsi. In western world the Greek philosopher Pythagoras and his students brought mystical properties to amicable numbers.

It is said that the Greek philosopher and mathematician Plato called amicable numbers as Magnetic Heart due to the powers hidden in these numbers to attract hearts. The amicable numbers attract the heart of the opposite as magnet pulls the iron towards itself.

Ibn Khaldun in his book under chapter Magic and Talisman has written about the mysterious powers of amicable numbers. We can also find great details and material about amicable numbers in works of Sahib Al Ghaya, Ikhlaq e Jalali, Muaqdama Ibn Khaldun, Mufatih Al Mughaleeq, Maqnatees Al Qaloob, Sheikh Baha uddin Amli and Meer Baqir Dad.

Some scholars associate number 220 to planet Venus and 284 to planet Mercury.

The numbers 220 and 284 are well known for their magical powers. From hundreds of year spiritualists, astrologers and occult masters are using these numbers to make talismans and amulets. In our modern world few are making the talismans and amulets with amicable numbers as it was made very complex to understand the process of talisman making with these numbers. Following the footsteps of elders, present day maestros believe that amicable numbers have great power to create special ties between individuals that can last forever. The amicable numbers can also be used in attracting wealth.

The talisman and amulet presented here can be made for love and wealth. It is a human nature that he is attracted to something that he lacks. The other reason for attraction is the similarity between two individuals. The problem occurs when a person is attracted to someone who has nothing in common. Their likes, dislikes and their physical appearance belong to opposite directions. But one of them is so attracted to these opposites that he or she wants to win that person at any cost so that they can spend life together. In these types of cases the amicable numbers love talisman and amulet helps the lover to make his beloved to be in love with him or her forever.

The amicable numbers talisman and amulet can be made when planet Venus is exalted or Venus is in Libra or Taurus. At this moment if the planet Sun is also exalted the talisman will show its effects fast. The other aspect in which this talisman can be made is the Trine and Sextile of planet Venus and planet Mars as love and feminine is associated to Venus and masculinity to Mars.

We present here a love amulet based on amicable numbers. The amicable numbers love talismans and love amulets are used to attract love, ex lovers and also help you to make any one to be in love with you no matter how indifferent he or she is to you. These talismans and amulets possess strong energy to inflame the hearts with your love. These talismans and amulets have miraculous powers to boost love, relationships and marriage. These talismans and amulets have a unique magical quality that they tune your energy in a positive direction which makes you desirable for the opposite person. The love and bond created with amicable numbers cannot be broken. The couple will remain together forever.

The first pair of amicable numbers is 220 and 284. In Arabic word رک is derived from 220 which is used for the lover and word رفد has been taken from 284 which is used for the beloved.

We explain here the method to make love amulet with amicable numbers.
Numeric value of the lover with mother name: 1094
Numeric value of the beloved with mother name: 690
Please note that the numeric value of word Bin(بن ) and Bint(بنت ) will not be taken.

As we are making this amulet to create strongest love between two person therefore we will also take the numeric value of word ‘Jalb e Qalb’(جلب قلب ) which is 167. We will add 167 of Jalb e Qalb to the total of both persons. It will make 1094+690+167= 1951. This total is higher than the first pair of amicable numbers which is 220 and 284 therefore we need another pair of amicable numbers which are greater than total of 1951. We give a table here presenting pairs of amicable numbers:

amicable nos template

The total of lover, beloved and word Jalb e Qalb is 1951. The higher number as per the table is pair number three which is 2620 and 2924. Please take the value of both person names along with word Jalb e Qalb. If the total of this is less than 220 then we will take the first pair of amicable numbers to make an amulet. If this total is greater than 220 then check from the table under which pair this total comes. Our total is less than the third pair رک which is 2620 and higher than the first and second pair which is respectively 220 and 1184 therefore we will take the third pair for our amulet.

We will prepare two amulets. The first amulet will be for lover and the second will be for the beloved. For lover amulet we have taken the value 2620 which comes under رک column for pair number three. For beloved we will take the corresponding value which is 2924 under رفد column.

We will take the value of word رک from third pair which is 2620. We will subtract the total of names and Jalb e Qalb 1951 from 2620. After subtraction we get a new value of 669. We make a box of 4×4 and fill the values as per the method of ‘Square Samdia’. The amulet will be made in four steps.

For step one, we will write the lover name in box number 1. If you wish you can also write the numeric value of the lover name. We will put numeric value of lover name in box no. 2,3, and 4 by adding 2 to the value. The numeric value of lover name is 1094. We have written his/her name in box no. 1 therefore we will add 2 to the total 1094. We get 1096 that will be placed in box no. 2. Now we add 2 to 1096 and place 1098 in box no. 3. For box no. 4 we will add 2 to 1098 and will put 1100 in box no. 4. Our first step is completed.

The second step is for box no. 5 to box no. 8. The sum of lover, beloved names and Jalb e Qalb is 1951. From 1951 we subtracted 2026 of word رک from third pair and get a value of 669. We will subtract another 6 from 669 to place values in box no. 5 to 8. We will continue adding 2 to the previous value. After subtracting 6 from 669 we get 663. We place 663 in box no. 5 . By adding 2 to 663 we get 665 and put in box no. 6. We will add 2 to 665 and place 667 in box no. 7. After adding 2 to 667 we get 669 and put it in box no. 8.

In third step we will put values in box no. 9 to 12. These boxes belong to beloved. We will subtract 4 from the beloved name value. In our example the beloved name numeric value is 690. Now we subtract 4 from 690 and get a value of 686. We will place this value in box no. 9. With an addition of 2 we will put 688 in box no. 10. In box no. 11 we will write beloved name with his/her mother name or we can put 690. We will consider a value of 690 in box no. 11 and then add 2 to it and put 692 in box no. 12.

The fourth and last step is for box no. 13 to 16. In these boxes we will add values of word Jalb e Qalb. The numeric value of Jalb e Qalb is 167. We will subtract 2 from it to get a new value of 165. We will put this value in box no. 13. For box no. 14 we will write word Jalb e Qalb. We will consider an imaginary value of 167 for box no. 14. By adding 2 to 167 we will add 169 in box no. 15. We will add 2 to 169 and will put 171 in box no. 16.

This talisman belongs to lover. He or she will tie this talisman to a tree hanging in the air.

The lover amulet with template to fill values and names is given here:

amicable nos lover talisman

Kindly note that the total of each row will be equal to the value of رک (2620). The total of each row of our talisman is 2620. If you did not get the same value it means that your talisman or amulet is not correct.

Template To Make The Talisman

amicable nos talisman template

We will prepare another talisman. The procedure to make the second talisman is same as of first talisman. The only difference is that instead of رک value from third pair we will take value of رفد. The value of word رفد of third pair is 2924.

The second talisman is called beloved talisman. We present it here in final form:

amicable nos beloved talisman

Numeric value of the lover with mother name: 1094
Numeric value of the beloved with mother name: 690
Numeric Value of word ‘Jalb e Qalb: 167
The sum of these is 1951. Subtract 2924 from 1951 we get a value of 973.

From box no. 1 to 4 we will use beloved name values. In box no. 1 we will write beloved with his/her mother name. The numeric value of beloved name is 690 by adding 2 to it we get 692. We will put 692 in box no.2. By adding 2 to 692 we place 694 in box no. 3. With an addition to 694 we will place 696 in box no. 4.

In second step we put values from box no. 5 to box no. 8. The sum of lover, beloved names and Jalb e Qalb is 1951. From 1951 we subtracted 2924 of word رفد from third pair and get a value of 973. We will subtract another 6 from 973 to place values in box no. 5 to 8. We will continue adding 2 to the previous value. After subtracting 6 from 973 we get 967. We place 967 in box no. 5, 969 in box no. 6, 971in box no. 7 and 973 in box no. 8.

For third step we will put values in box no. 9 to 12. These boxes belong to lover. We will subtract 4 from the lover name value. In our example the lover name numeric value is 1094. Now we subtract 4 from 1094 and get a value of 1090. We will place 1090 value in box no. 9. With an addition of 2 we will put 1092 in box no. 10. In box no. 11 we will write lover name with his/her mother name or we can put 1094. We will consider a value of 1094 in box no. 11 and then add 2 to it and put 1096 in box no. 12.

In the final step we will add values from box no. 13 to 16. In these boxes we will add values of word Jalb e Qalb. The numeric value of Jalb e Qalb is 167. We will subtract 2 from it to get a new value of 165. We will put this value in box no. 13. For box no. 14 we will write word Jalb e Qalb. We will consider an imaginary value of 167 for box no. 14. By adding 2 to 167 we will add 169 in box no. 15. We will add 2 to 169 and will put 171 in box no. 16.

Kindly note that the total of each row will be equal to the value of رفد (2924). The total of each row of our talisman is 2924. If you did not get the same value it means that your talisman or amulet is not correct.

The lover will keep this talisman tied to right arm or can wear in the neck. For fast results make sure that the boxes size of each row and column is same for both talisman.

We have tested amicable numbers talismans and amulets for attracting love and winning the heart of the opposite with great success.

This talisman can also be made when two planets Moon, Venus and Jupiter are making favourable aspects to each other. The Moon must be in trine or sextile. These planets must be in strong positive in different zodiac signs.

About Tahir H 108 Articles
Meditation and spirituality are the love of my life.