Arabic Talisman Letters – How To Get Empowers And Their Use – The Method Of Zakat


The Secret Of The Arabic Talisman Letters and their Secret Meanings

Did you know that each Arabic Talisman letter has its own special meaning and properties? In this blog post, we’ll explore the Arabic alphabet and the amazing ways it can be used to create magic and wisdom in our lives. Spiritualists have described various types of Arabic Talisman letters. Such as solar and lunar letters and their value (Huroof e Shamsi & qamri), letters of light and darkness (Noorani & zulmani), dotless and dotted letters (sawamat & natiqa), Zabar and bayyinat, vitr and Shifa, Conquest and Separation (taskheer & tafarruqat), etc.

What are Conquest Letters – Arabic Talisman Letters Of Attraction

Today we will talk about the secret of Arabic Talismanic Letters Of Conquest. These letters are used in Arabic spell cast. The letters of conquest are also known as Arabic Talismanic Letters Of Attraction. They hold a high place in the Arabic spell of love. These talismanic letters can be used for spell cast.

Immense Power Of Arabic Talisman Letters

As it is evident from the name that these letters have an immense power to subjugate or conquer someone. Before writing about the Zakat and the use of these letters, first, have a look at these letters. These are seventeen (17) letters.

See also  Talisman And Amulet: Their Role And Function

The numeric value of these letters as per lunar alphabet (abjad e qamri) is 1858 and as per solar alphabet (abjad e shamsi) the value is 5713.

The letters are:

ا ت ث ح خ د ذ ر س ش ض ظ غ ف ق ک م

How To Get Command Over These Letters

If you get command over these letters then you will no longer need any other spiritual method to ignite love in someone’s heart. In fact, these letters alone are enough for love and conquest.

Those who have given the Zakat of Sawamat letters and are also familiar with talisman making they can easily understand this method. We have published many articles on our website about talisman making.

How To Get Empowers Of Arabic Talisman Letters And Their Use – The Method Of Zakat

Before writing method of Zakat it is better to tell you what Zakat means in Arab magic and spirituality. Zakat is a method in which you recite or write letters, verses of Holy Quran and names of Almighty ALLAH in a specific given number. The Zakat empowers a person to use the magic of these elements as per his needs or wish to get what he wants.

Now we write the Zakat of talismanic letters of conquest. The Zakat will only be carried out during the event of Nowruz. Nowruz is a planetary event when Sun enters Aries at 0 degree. During the time of Nowruz start writing these letters on a white paper for 1858 times. Make sure that you are sitting by checking the position of Rajal ul Ghayab(invisible men). Burn lots of incense during the writing.

Save the papers on which you have written letters of conquest for 1858. Fold these papers and put at a humid place. Now you have the authority to use these letters as per your needs for one year. There is no need to write these letters on daily basis.  

How to use Arabic Talismanic Letters of conquest:

First of all, you need to convert your name into Arabic letters. You can easily take help by searching on google.

You can also use this website

Now first you must have to know that how to write your name with your mother’s name in Arabic and then how to write that person name with his/her mother’s name for whom you are making this love talisman.

We now give an example on the use of these letters.

First write your name with your mother’s name and then other person name with his/her mother’s name. Between their both names write words Ala Hub
علی حب

Now write this names line words letter by letter. (It is called basat e hurfi)

Now you have to mix the line of names with talismanic letters of conquest (it is called line of combination)

If letters from one line are less than other line, then repeat the mixing process until letters are mixed together.

Now you have a complete line of mixed letters.

Make a group of 4 letters and make a word.

For instance we want Bakar to fell in love with Zaid.

First line will be:

زید علی حب بکر

After writing this line in letters:

ز ی د ع ل ی ح ب ب ک ر

In the next line talismanic conquest letters are written:

ا ت ث ح خ د ذ ر س ش ض ظ غ ف ق ک م

Take first letter from conquest letters and then from first line. We get:

ا ز ت ی ث د ح ع خ ل د ی ذ ح ر ب س ب ش ک ض ر

At this stage the letters of conquest are more than first line, therefore we will again take letters from first line and remaining letters will be:

ظ ز غ ی ف د ق ع ک ل م ی

Complete mixed letters are:

ا ز ت ی    ث د ح ع   خ ل د ی   ذ ح ر ب   س ب ش ک   ض ر ظ ز  غ ی ف د   ق ع ک ل   م ی ۔

Now we make group of 4 letters to make a magical word. We get these group words:

می سبشک ضرظز غیفد قعکل ازتی تدحع خلدی ذحرب

At the end we get only two letters so we will write them in pair.

When to make conquest letters talisman

The talisman will be made during the exaltation or dignity of Moon with Mercury or Venus. It can also be made when Moon makes an aspect with Venus or Jupiter. When you are making this talisman make sure that you are making it by following the rules of talisman making.

How to use Talisman :

The first talisman will be kept with the person.

Tie the second talisman to a tree or plant of flowers and fruit. The plant and tree must have sweet smell.

Bury the third in a grave or in the ground.

Bury the fourth talisman near lake or river.

With blessings of Almighty ALLAH the outcome will be much better than your expectations.

Note: this method will only work for true legitimate purpose. If someone will use it for lust he will face great difficulties in life.

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