Ilm e Jafar : A Glimpse From The History | Is Ilm e Jafar Haram?

Is Ilm e Jafar Haram (forbidden)? We have published many articles on the benefits of ILM e JAFAR and discussed the parts of ‘News’ and ‘Practices’ in depth. It is hard to deny the reality of the ILM e JAFAR, but in our society, it has become a fashion to put a tag of ‘Haram’ on anything higher than the intelligence of the persons who claim to hold the authority to issue a decree on any matter.

We are presenting some historical references to show the authenticity of ILM e JAFAR. Before giving references, it will be better to mention the names of scholars and their books in which they have proved the genuineness of Jafar. These scholars have done great research on Ilm e Jafar. The scholars belong to the two main sects of Islam.


Imam Ahmed Raza Barelvi Risala Fi Aljafr
Mansoor Ibne Halaj Baghdadi Sir Al Israr
Mansoor Ibe Arabi Behar Al Waquf ILM Al Haroof
Abu Al Khair Rabey Nasus Al Anwar Harfia
Abdullah Qurtabi Fasus Al Haroof
Mohiuddin Ibne Arabi Qawaneen e Taqveen
Nasir Uddin Toosi Israr e Jafr
Imam Ghazali Zairjat o Ashraf Al Murrabaat
Imam Khomeini Kashaf ul Akhbar
Tookhi Al Falqi Sir Al Akhbar
Mukarram Ali Muazzam Kashaf Al Maknoon
Umar Bin Al Faras Al Hawi Qars Al Shams Fi Bayan Al Haroof
Abdul Aziz Purharvi Muntaha Al Kamal
Nasir Uddin Al Toosi Makhzan Al Haroof
Bayzeed Bastami Haqaiq Al Yaqeen
Allama Zarqafi Madaraj Al Barooj
Jamsheed Basri Maani Al Aadad
Ahmed Bin Antaki Yaqeen Min Al Haroof


A book can be written only to give the names of scholars who have depicted the truthiness of Jafar. These scholars hold the utmost authenticity in the history of Islam such as Imam Ghazali(RA). It is surprising to know that many scholars are giving Fatwa against ILM e JAFAR and are ignoring the writings of these greatest scholars of all times.

See also  Learn Ilm e Jafar - P2

There is no doubt about the position of Abu Hamid Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al Toosi Al Ghazali ( Imam Ghazali) that he holds among Islamic Scholars. He died in 505 Hijri. Imam Yafeye elaborates on the life events of Imam Ghazali in his famous book Mirrat ul Janan. In the third volume of the book, on page number 177, he writes that Imam Ghazali holds great ranks and honour among the scholars of Ahle Sunnat. He is also known as ‘Hujjat Al Islam’. Imam Yafeye also writes that Imam Ghazali is the ocean of knowledge and Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp) also showed great pride in having Imam Ghazali to the Prophet Essa(a.s.) and Prophet Moosa(a.s.).

Similarly, Allama Jalal Uddin Siyoti, in his book Al Tanbeeh Be Mann Yabt Ullah Aala Ras Kul e Maah writes with reference to Muhammad Bin Abdul Baqi Al Zarqai of his book Sharha Mawahib Le Denehi volume 1 that he has mentioned Imam Ghazali with great honour and praise. Similar wordings can also be fined in the book Hidayat Al Saada of Shahab Uddin Daulat Abadi. One can ask that if ILM e JAFAR was ‘Haram’ in Islam, then why a great personality like Imam Ghazali spent a precious time of his life in proving the authenticity of it?

We now present a glimpse of ILM e JAFAR from history. The term ‘JAFAR’ or ‘ JAFRA’ is associated with a goat baby when he reaches the age of four months and stops to take his mother’s milk.

Allama Kamal Uddin Dameri, in his book Hayat Al Heywan volume 1, page 197, published from Egypt, writes that ILM e JAFAR existed before the Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp). Its presence has also been mentioned in the Holy Quran in Surah Al Araf from verses 145 to 150, in which we find the connection of ILM e JAFAR with Prophet Moosa(a.s.) scriptures.

Allama Abbas Qummi Muhadis, in his book Safina Al Bakhar volume 1 writes that it was Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp) Who arranged to write the principles of ILM e JAFAR on a goat skin due to this reason it got fame by the name of ILM UL JAFAR.

Imam Musa Bin Jafar Al Kazim(a.s.) said that during the last days of the life of Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp), He took Hazrat Ali(a.s.) to the mountain of Uhadd. Then according to the order of ALLAH(Wahi), the Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp) called the goats living in the mountain. Goats gathered around Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp). Hazrat Ali(a.s.) took a four-month-old goat and slaughtered it on the order of the Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp). Hazrat Ali(a.s.) cleaned the skin of the goat. Then angel Jibraeil(a.s.) came with a pen and ink. The ink was not made from the materials of the earth. Jibraeil(a.s.) said that the writing on the skin goat with this ink will never be faded. The ink was green in colour. The angel Jibraeil(a.s.) conveyed the words from ALLAH to the Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp), and then Prophet told Hazrat Ali(a.s.) to write these words. This was a special writing which paints the world’s future, the incidents that will happen to pious persons and the children (Syed / Sadaat) of Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp) and matters of the future governments.

Imam Jafar Sadiq(a.s.) said that the articles in the book of Ilm e jafar were in the form of alphabets. Imam Hassan Mujtaba(a.s.) presented the words Alif, Baa , Seen Laam and the final alphabet. He also said that from each alphabet, a new word was extracted. The knowledge of ILM e JAFR that was passed to the people was based on two alphabets. For reference see Kitab Al Akhtisas.

Imam Jaffer Sadiq(a.s.) also said that only Prophet MUHAMMAD(pbuh&hp) and His successor (Wasi) could be masters of ILM e JAFAR. Ordinary people cannot attain mastery of this knowledge. He said that the book of Jafar holds the entire knowledge related to every person’s life, death, grieves and happiness, but the book is short in volume. Hazrat Ali(a.s.) was used to tie the book of Al jafar with Zulfiqar’s sword.

The book of jafar was written by the hands of Hazrat Ali(a.s.), and later Imam Jafar Sadiq(a.s.) also wrote a copy of the book with his own hands. The book has been travelling from generation to generation in the ‘Syeds’/ ‘Sadaat’ family. Scholars of Sunni and Shia sects have recognised the authenticity of the book of Jafar.

Ibne Khuldoon Maghrabi, in the pretext of his history, writes that Haroon bin Said Aajli narrated the sayings of Imam Jafar Sadiq(a.s.) that the book of jafar gives the detail of future incidents, especially to the future of Ahl e Bait(a.s.).

In the book Tareekh e Asar Jafri, page 74, it is written that the book of jafar is with the family of Abdul Momin. On the other hand, the Turkish emperor Saleem Usmani first claimed that the original book of Jafar written by Imam Jafar Sadiq(a.s.) was found in Egypt, and the book is safe in his library. Traditions say that the original book of jafar is with Imam Mehdi(a.s.).

Ibne Khalkan, in the book Tareekh Dakhyat Al Ayaan, writes that the pupil of Imam Jafar Sadiq(a.s.) Abu Musa Jabar Bin Hayyan wrote a book titled Kitab Al Jafar Al Aswad. The book contains the lectures and teachings of Imam Jafar Sadiq(a.s.). The book has a thousand pages. Other evidence shows that in this book Imam Jafar Sadiq(a.s.) told the rules and methods of Chemistry to Jabar Bin Hayyan using ILM ul HAROOF. Jabar Bin Hayyan is world-famous for his esteemed position in Chemistry. Two more books on ILM e JAFAR such as Jafar e Abiaz and Jafar e Ahmar are also associated with Imam Jafar Sadiq(a.s.).

ILM e JAFAR is true knowledge. If a person obtaining an answer does not make any mistake or does not force his ambitions in obtaining the answer, then ILM e JAFAR always gives the true answer.

Allama Abdullah Al Jazairi says that ILM e JAFAR gives more authentic answers than astrology and geomancy; in fact, ILM e JAFAR is the living miracle of the Holy Quran. Allama Syed Jafar Behar Al Aloom Najfi said that if you want your answer in the manner of the Holy Quran, then you will get the answer from the verse of the Holy Quran. For instance, if you ask who will put life to dead bones, the answer will come from the verse of the Holy Quran The ONE who is the creator of these bones.

In the future, we will publish more articles on this topic.


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