Just few years ago the ring of digit 9 was very popular. We found various shops where this ring was sold in large quantity. But now we see few shops where this ring is available. The main reason probably is the non effectiveness of the ring. We should note that in spiritual world everything has its certain rules of making. If we ignore these rules then things will not work.
Now many spiritual products are made on commercial basis. The companies or manufacturers have no concern with the planetary events because for them spiritual products are also a source of income as people have great interest in these. They just produce these items. When spiritual items are not made in their exact timing then these things will not show any effects or in some cases can bring negative results.
When you are buying spiritual products make sure these are not made on commercial basis.
We are presenting the ring of digit 9. The ring can be made when planet Mars is exalted or dignified. The ring will be made during the planetary hours of Mars.
When mars will be dignified in 2019 ?
The planet Mars will be dignified on 12:37 pm 30 July 2019 and this event will end on 1st August 2019 2:26 am. The timings are according to Pakistan standard time.
While making ring make sure to burn incense related to the planet Mars.
Do You Know Mars Incenses, If Not, Don’t Worry And Click On This Link
Take a piece of silver and engrave digit 9 on it. Later take this piece of silver to the jeweler and place it in a ring where gemstone is placed. It must be done on Tuesday during the hour of Mars.
The planet Mars belongs to fire element. The digit 9 will be written as per 3×3 template of fire element. We have already given the method of making 3×3 template therefore at this moment we are omitting it.
The ring brings protection and stability. It is a source of happiness for mind and heart. It helps to achieve highest ranks. It brings wealth and prosperity. It enables to come out from difficult period of life. It is also very helpful in the cure for psychological problems. We have explained the method of ring making. If you cannot make this ring by yourself or unable to find a suitable person to make it for you, then you can obtain the ring from our institution for a price.
Salam Alaikum, I would like to buy this Digit 9 Ring from you. Please let me know the prce, method of paymemt and delivery details. I am from India. Further details of address after resposnse from you.
Was Salaam
Salam Alaikum, I would like to buy this Digit 9 Ring from you. Please let me know the prce, method of paymemt and delivery details. I am from Shahdara lahore.
Further details of address after resposnse from you.
Was Salaam
Very nice ring. Plz tell me price and where is shop in Rawalpindi.