Ice Drug Spiritual Islamic Treatment


A few years back there was a business tagline of a cigarette manufacturing company ‘’Come for the style, stay for the taste.’’ This tagline truly paints the reality of younger generation of every era. To look different and attractive youngsters adopt many styles and smoking is one of them. The race for style that was started from cigarettes takes a new shape and the smoker finds himself flying over the clouds of different drugs. Humans have been destroying themselves with drugs at every passage of time. Opium, weed, heroin and for the last few years ice drug has entered into human society as a new messenger of death. Australia is the most affected country from ice drug. In other countries the number of ice users is also alarming. We are going to present ice drug spiritual Islamic treatment.

The crime rate has increased in those countries which have legalised the use of drugs. In a peaceful society suddenly a shocking incident occurs to shame humanity.

We take world’s most developed country United States of America as an example. We find incidents on regular basis where a student took gun in his hands and shoots blindly on his own classmates. Within a second smiling faces are embraced by the cruel clutches of the death. The place for study to become better humans shows a horrific face. Similarly, we also find countless shootings in shopping malls where a man starts to shoot without looking and kills many innocent people. It is difficult to understand that how a harmless person turns into a demon of death. When we look at the video clips of these shooters in the news, one thing can be noticed clearly that during the shooting time the shooter did not look into his senses. It seems that something is riding his nerves and is making him uncomfortable and it is only possible when someone is in great anger or he is under the influence of some drugs.

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According to United Nations Drugs and Crime office, the annual production of ice and its family drugs is 500 metric tons and there are more than 24 million addicts.

What is the age of ice drug users?

As per general trend in society people between 13 years to 20 years old are more inclined towards drugs. It is considered that due to young age and lack of wisdom this age group feels more attraction in drugs. In case of ice addiction, the picture is different. The ice users are mostly 25 years old or above. They are mature having full knowledge of good and evil. Ice drug users include employees, unskilled labour, gays and lesbians, bisexual and people living in rural areas.

What is Ice?

The ice drug is crystal methamphetamine. This drug increases the electric connection between body and brain to the highest level than other drugs and due this reason it is more intoxicated than other drugs. It also has more side effects than other drugs.

How Ice is used?

Like all other drugs ice is also used in four general methods. Mostly ice is used in smoking. The inhalation of ice through a cigarette gives quick effects. In second method it is injected in the body. In this way the person can have the effects in 15 to 30 seconds. In third method it is snorted and impacts on the body and brain is in 3 to 5 minutes. In fourth methods it is swallowed. The swallowing will show the effects in 15 to 20 minutes. The ice effect lasts from 4 to 12 hours. The ice traces can be found in urine and blood after 72 of its consumption.

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As per general trend in society people between 13 years to 20 years old are more inclined towards drugs. It is considered that due to young age and lack of wisdom this age group feels more attraction in drugs. In case of ice addiction, the picture is different. The ice users are mostly 25 years old or above. They are mature having full knowledge of good and evil. Ice drug users include employees, unskilled labour, gays and lesbians, bisexual and people living in rural areas.

Effects of Ice on human health

Every drug brings fatal effects to human health. The effects can vary in humans, but there are many common effects of drugs among users. One of the most common effects of ice is that after the consumption of 4 to 12 hours, the addict spends many days in big pain and he becomes an insomniac.  Ice puts extra energy in the body and makes a person overconfident. The ice abuser starts to repeat the same action. He starts to scratch or itch his skin again and again. He has dental issues, his heat beat increases, he breathes more fast, excessive sweating, increase in sexual desire with animal instinct and violence during sex. He can also suffer from qualm, agitation, aggression, fits and seizures.

What diseases Ice can bring?

An ice drug addict can suffer from many diseases. At the initial the damage to veins is noticeable. Infection is common among ice users. Tetanus, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, heart and lungs diseases, chest pain, kidney diseases, rise in body temperature, blood pressure can physically affect the addict. If same injection or needle is used to inject the ice in the body then chances of HIV and AIDS are increased.

How Ice effect brain?

When a human tastes a delicious meal or feels joy in physical relation then human brain discharge three liquids or chemicals. The discharge of these liquids or chemicals increases the feelings of joy and happiness to highest levels.

Nature has given a well-balanced system to human body. This balance is the guarantee of good and long life. When this balance goes out of order then it brings many problems to mental and physical health of a person.

When ice is consumed then human brain discharges liquids in great quantity and this bring unbalance. The more flow of these brain liquids bring various psychological disorders. Ice ignites the flames of aggression. The addict cannot control his emotions and becomes violent. He feels happiness by hurting other physically and mentally. Those who withdraw from ice can suffer from same mental state for a considerable time period.

Ice causes death

The toxicity of ice can result in death. It is reported that almost 43% ice abusers die. They have much higher rate of death.

Impact of abandoning Ice

The impact of ice abandoning can be seen in two phases. The first phase is called, ‘’Comedown.’’ It is a phase where a person can stop the use of ice temporarily. This stop can last from few days to few weeks and he starts to use ice again. The symptoms and health issues of this group are similar as mentioned above in ‘’ Effects of Ice on human health.’’

The second phase is called, ‘’Withdrawal.’’ In this phase a person decides to permanently end the use of ice. During this phase an addict can suffer from strong emotions, exhaustion, discomfort, headaches, strong anger, vomiting and depression. Along with these he can also have blurry vision, lack in decision making, lack of concentration and insomnia.

What treatments are available for Ice?

Those who want to free themselves from the vicious clutches of ice can be given various treatments. It can take from two to three weeks to clear the ice effects from the body. The treatment can take from a year or two for long-time ice addicts.

The ice treatment is consists of many phases. In all phases an addict is prepared mentally and physically to abandon the use forever. The most common treatments include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Drug Counseling, Psychologist help, Contingency Management and Rehabilitation.

What to expect from Ice treatment?

The abandoning of a drug is a courageous task. The same applies during the ice treatment. It is also a laborious work therefore do not expect any magical results. A person under treatment can have the urge to use ice again and it can make him very aggressive. The treatment is a tedious task but a determined patient can receive great rewards.

A person can still have some effects of ice even after the completion of the treatment for a period of time. During this period he can become distant from his relatives and friends. The patient himself and his family and friend must have full knowledge of it.

Spiritual And Islamic Treatment

If we want to succeed in something then we have to take actions with firm belief and determination. The power of holy words of Almighty Allah is above all. He has spoken His words in all holy books. The holy Quran is the ultimate message from the Creator of universe and everything on planet earth.

The words of holy Quran not only affect livings but also have effect on non-livings. In many verses of different chapters, Quran has openly stated its effects on all types of creations.

As mentioned earlier that many treatments for ice drug addiction are available in the medical field. We present here a spiritual and Islamic treatment. In this method we will use the healing powers of few verses of holy Quran along names of Almighty ALLAH with our purpose. Our purpose here is to stop a person from ice addiction and to purify him from all side effects of ice. The verses and sentence is given here in original form and also in English language.

The original text:

بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم   راہ روشن کن الرحمن الرحیم رحم کن از رحمانیہ خود ایاک نعبدو ایاک نستعین از عادت بد کن دور اھدنا الصراط المستقیم الھادی فلاں بن فلاں را کن بر راہ مستقیم۔

The English text:

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. Enlighten the path with Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, be Merciful with your Mercy powers. It is You we worship and You we ask for help, remove the bad habit and Guide us to the straight path our Guide, put name of the addict with his/her mother name on straight path.

We will use the name of the ice abuser along with his/her mother name. Now take the numeric value of entire text as per Lunar alphabet. You can obtain this value from our online Abjad Calculator by visiting this link.

How to make amulet?

Now we explain how to make amulet. We will make a 3×3 amulet with the numeric value of the text.

We will divide the value to 12 to find the name of the zodiac sign. The amulet will be prepared on the day and during the hour of the ruling planet of this zodiac.

Then we will divide the numeric value to 4 to find the element of the amulet. The amulet will be written as per the element.

How to find zodiac sign?

To make the amulet, we will first find the zodiac sign. The entire method is elaborated with an example. The numeric value of text with person and his mother is 8512. We divide it to 12 and we get a remainder of 4. The fourth zodiac sign is Cancer. The ruling planet of Cancer is Moon and it is associated to Monday. The best time to make the amulet is Monday and it will be made during the hour of Moon. If we get Moon in the Cancer then it will increase the magical powers of the amulet.

How to find amulet element?

To find the element of 3×3 amulet, we will divide the numeric value to 4. After division if we get a remainder of 1 then amulet will be as per fire element, with remainder of 2 the amulet will be made with air element, with remainder of 3 the amulet will have water element and with remainder of 4 or 0 the amulet will have earth element. In our example we a remainder of 0 therefore the amulet will be made with earth element.

To find the element of 3×3 amulet, we will divide the numeric value to 4. After division if we get a remainder of 1 then amulet will be as per fire element, with remainder of 2 the amulet will be made with air element, with remainder of 3 the amulet will have water element and with remainder of 4 or 0 the amulet will have earth element. In our example we a remainder of 0 therefore the amulet will be made with earth element.

As per law of 3×3 amulet, we will subtract 12 from value of 8512. After subtraction we get 8500. We will now divide 8500 to 3. After division we get 2833 and we get a remainder of 1 therefore we will add an extra value in box 7 of the amulet. If we get a remainder of 2 then an extra valued will be added in box number 4.

The templates of four elements are given here for your ease.


As we are making the amulet with earth element therefore we will write 2833 in box 1, in box 2 we will write 2834, in box 3 2835, in box 4 2836, in box 5 2837, in box 6 2838 and in box 7 due to remainder we will add an extra value and will write 2840. Now we will write 2841 in box 8 and 2842 in box 9. We will make 21 amulets. The amulet in final form is given here:


How to make Muwakils/entities?

We will teach you how to make muwakils/entities of this amulet. These muwakils/entities are forces that will energize the amulet and will help you to achieve your objective. We will take values from the four corners of the amulet. These boxes are box 2, 4, 6 and 8.

The value in box 2 is 2834. We will subtract 41 from 2834. After subtraction we get 2793. The letters of these numbers are ج،  ص،  ذ،  ب،  غ   at the end of these letters we will add word   آئیل. The name of the first Muwakil is  جصذبغائیل ‘’jass sazz baghaeil’’.

In box 4 we have 2836 after subtracting 41 we get 2895. These letters are ھ،  ص،  ض،  ب،  غ  . At the end آئیل. The second is  ھصضبغائیل ‘’hasadabaghaeil’’.

The value box 6 is 2841. After subtraction of 41 we get 2800. The letters associated to this value are ض، ب،  غ  . At the end آئیل. The second is  ضبغائیل ‘’ dabaghaeil’’.

The box 8 has a value of 2838. After subtracting 41 we get 2797. The letters for this numeric value are ز، ص، ذ، ب، غ . At the end آئیل. The second is  زصذبغائیل ‘’ zasasazbaghaaeil’’.

Now we will make another Muwakil from the values of box 4 and 6. The total of these two boxes is 5675. Again subtract 41. We get 5634. The letters are د،ل،خ،ھ،غ . The Muwakil name will be   دلخھغائیل  ‘’dalhahaghaeil’’.

The total value of the amulet is 8512. We have subtracted 41 and got 8471. The letters for this value are  ا، ع، ت، ح، غ . The Muwakil name is اعتحغائیل  ‘’eitahaghaeil’’ .

We will now multiply total 8512 to 4. After multiplication we get 34048. After subtracting 41 from 34048 we get 34007. The letters of this value are ز، غ، د، ل  . The Muwakil name is for this value is زغدائیل  ‘’ zaghadaaeil’’.

Now we will make the high ranking Muwakil called ‘’Awan ul Amal’’. For this we take values from box 9, box 3, box1 and box 7. To make ‘’Awan ul Amal’’ we will subtract 316 from the numeric value of these boxes. We will add word ‘’ یوش  ‘’ at end of letters.


We have the boxes in yellow for ‘’Awan ul Amal’’ for your convenience.

The value in box 9 is 2842. After subtracting 316, we get 2826. The letters و ک ث ب غ . The first Awan ul Amal is وکثبغیوش , ‘’Wakashbaghayush’’ .

In box 3 the value is 2835. After subtracting 316, we get 2519. The letters ط ی ث ب غ . The second Awan ul Amal is طیثبغیوش , ‘’Tayasabaghayush’’ .

We have 2833 in box 1. After subtraction of 316 we have 2517. The letters are ز ی ث ب غ. The third Awan ul Amal is زیثبغیوش , ‘’Zaeisabaghayush’’.

For fourth Awan ul Amal we take value of box 7 which is 2840. After subtracting 316 from it we have 2524. The letters are د ک ث ب غ. The name is دکثبغیوش , ‘’Daksabghayush’’.

We have made all Muwakil and Awan ul Amal. We are left with middle box which is box 5. The value in this box is 2837. We have marked in red. Now we will take verse/verses from holy Quran or name/names of Almighty ALLAH which have same numeric value of 2837. The numeric value of Surah Al-Kawthar is 2754. After subtracting 2754 from 2837 we get 83. Now we will find Almighty ALLAH name/names that can make this value. We have taken three names of Almighty ALLAH which are واحد ، ولی ، حی , Wahid, Wali, Haye. Now we have one Surah and three names of Almighty ALLAH equalling the value of 2837.

The Conjuration

Now we will make a conjuration for this method.


How to use amulet

This conjuration will be recited 23 times daily on glass of water and the ice addict will be given this water to drink. We have 21 amulets with us. Put one amulet in the neck or right arm of the addict. Bury one in a grave and one at a place used as a path. We have 18 amulets with us. Daily put one amulet in a glass of water and leave there for 15 to 20 minutes. Take out the paper and give this water to ice abuser to drink daily. With the blessings of Almighty ALLAH the addict will fully recover from ice effects.

It is better to distribute some sweet among children before starting this amal. Recite Surah Al-Hamd and Surah Al-Ikhlas on the sweet before distribution.

We also prepare special method with ILM UL JAFAR. This method puts hatred towards all types of drugs and the addict will never use drugs in his/her life.

About Tahir H 108 Articles
Meditation and spirituality are the love of my life.

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