Essentials For Talisman And Amulet
The true art of making talisman and amulet kept secret. Learn how to make amulet and talisman with ease.
To make a talisman and amulet it is must to have all the material required for making. Such as metals, papers, bird and animal skins, incenses. The principles of making must be followed strictly.
Engraving Tool And Pen
If we are making a talisman or amulet on metal then we must need engraving tools. If we are making these on paper or skin then a pen will be used.
Spiritual world is divided in two types of magic white and black. We can use ink pen or a wooden pen. For white magic we can make a wooden pen from a bamboo stick, pomegranate, olive and fig branches. A long thorn can also be used a pen mostly for black magic. We must have separate pens for both magic.
Before using a new engraving tool or making a new pen or cutting a wooden pen we must recite Darood Sharif three times at the start and end with five times Surah Al-Fatihah also known as Surah Al-Hamd.
Cut the tip of the pen for white magic inwards and do the recitation. The tip of the pen for black magic will be cut outwards.
Say these words on engraving tool and pen: ‘’ O the most helpful fulfill my wish’’ you can also say these words in Arabic: Yaa Mustaano Aqzi Hajati یَا مُستَعَانُ اَقضِی حاجَتِی .
Before using the tool or pen make sure to note the position of the planet Moon.
If the Moon is in a zodiac sign ( Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn. ) then write
د ح ل ع ر خ غ ۔ دحل عرخغ on the nail of your thumb.
If Moon is the fiery zodiac (Sagittarius, Leo, Aries. ) then right
ا ھ ط م ف ش ذ – اھطمفشذ on your thumb.
When Moon is in water zodiac sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. ) write
ج ز ک س ق ث ظ – جزکس قثظ
on your thumb.
If Moon is in airy zodiac ( Aquarius, Libra, Gemini. ) sign write
ب و ی ن ص ت ض – بوین صتض on your thumb.
The letters are given here to make the word more clear when you are writing. You only write the complete word on your thumb. i.e بوین صتض
Whatever is written with these tools will show their results.
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