Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary MagicSpiritual Practices and Meditation

Venus Exalted 2021

یہ مضمون اردو میں پڑھنے کے لیے یہاں کلک کریں

The planet Venus will be exalted  on 18 March 2021 at 14:10 and this event will end at 09:26 on 19 March as per Pakistan standard time.           

The planet Venus is exalted when it enters Pisces. We have published various articles associated to this event.  

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takseer jfri

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mukhamas chaal

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zohra naqsh fin

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square fire element

wahab naqsh

venus 30

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Tahir H

Meditation and spirituality are the love of my life.

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  2. Was this Venus exalt powerful enough for making any LAUH? As Venus was in combust form?

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