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Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Talisman of Saturn Az Gayat ul Hakeem

How we can take advantages of this blissful timings, If there are differences between two persons or groups so they can be friends, if anybody has fear to loss any service, employment or property etc or if somebody is engaged or married and also he/she has risk that his/her relationship can break up anytime so all these situations can be handled, for long lasting achievement, to live safely from enemies and of course all of them can get benefits those have Saturn with worthless influences In their birth chart or those who have been suffering from the seven and a half years (saarh satti) period of Saturn like that persons who belong to Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Read more

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Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Saturn’s Ring

Usually this ring can be prepared during the days of rising month at any good timing of Saturn (Sa’at e Zohol) but after a long period (29 years) this great opportunity was coming up means it was the best and special time to make this ring so we haven’t missed it and didn’t slight it and during those special moments we have made some limited rings. Read more

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Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Loh e Mubarak Al Fatiha

In this article I m going to demonstrate about attributed Loh of Surah Fatiha. I always try to define those Amaal that an undereducated person could also be able to understand and prepare it by own self. This Amal belongs to trine/sextile of mercury and Jupiter in planetary aspects. It will definitely work by the Gracing of Almighty and Merciful Allah. It’s time is coming in morning of 5th November at 2.45 A.M who are belonging to Jafri Amaliyaat activities they always await for this timings. Read more

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Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Loh e Hijjab Mubarak

We are now offering Loh e Hijjab Mubarak to our visitors. This Loh will be beneficial in all terms. It prepares by the help of seven letters of Syrian language. These seven letters are called Ism e Azam in Syrian language. Read more

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Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Order Original Jupiter’s Talisman From Anywhere In The World

Every planet has some special power.In the main seven planets Jupiter is the lord of wealth.
It means if a person is not fortunate in financialy terms and wants to get rid from this situation through Talisman so he will must have to wait for long. Similarly if a person has debits and the situation is not in his under control or not getting any way to pay it or get rid from debits however he has a good source of income in this case you can’t get benefits except the powet of Jupiter. Like this thoose peoples who are unlucky to earn by their own efforts but destroying the wealth and property of forefather along or suddenly if a person gets in trouble and he has also fear to lost the wealth or asset and in other case if a person has business but due to shortage of finance not able to get benefits so in above all these matters we just can get advantage through the power of Jupiter Talisman (Loh-e-Mushtree).
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