Sun Talisman

The Sun talismans were engraved on 12:14 pm July 24, 2020 in Islamabad, Pakistan. The Sun is culminating in his sign(+5) and triplicity (+3) for a SUPER +8! It is the planetary hour of Sun.

On the front of the talisman is the First Pentacle of the Sun which contains, “The countenance of Shaddaï the almighty [the Face of God], at whose aspect all creatures obey, and the angelic spirits do reverence on bended knees. This singular pentacle contains the head of the great angel Methraton or Metatron, the vice-gerent and representative of Shaddaï, who is called the Prince of Countenances, and the right-hand masculine cherub of the Ark, as Sandalphon is the left and feminine. On either side is the name ‘El Shaddaï.’ Around is written in Latin: ‘Behold his face and form by whom all things were made, and whom all creatures obey.'” Greater Key of Solomon. The back of the pentacle is blank.

On the back of the pentacle is is the image of the Third Pentacle of the Sun, “This serveth (in addition to the effects of the two preceeding) to acquire Kingdom and Empire, to inflict loss, and to acquire renown and glory, especially through the Name of God, Tetragrammaton, which therein is twelve times contained.” Greater Key of Solomon. The image of the Third Pentacle of the Sun can be seen above and consists of the name of God, IHVH repeated 12 times and a quote similar to Daniel iv, 32, “My Kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and my dominion endureth from age to age.” The back of the pentacle is blank.

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About Mustjab 17 Articles
Mustjab is in the field of spirituality over a decade. What makes him different in this filed is his unique approach in understanding spirituality and its connection with human life. He uses various tools to study individual cases to the depth so that he can prescribe a best spiritual treatment. He is well versed in using different divine knowledge such as ILM ul JAFAR, ILM ul RAMAL, Astrology, Radiesthesia with physical and spiritual healing. He has mastery skills in various divination tools. He has not limited himself to a certain school of spiritualism. He has a great command over Arab astrological magic along with Western and Vedic magic. He believes that the source of life in a divine energy created by Almighty. This divine energy continues its journey even after the death of the body. Being human we have to explore and elevate divine energy so that it remains in a permanent connection with its Creator to become supernatural to conquer the universe.

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