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Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Saturn’s Talisman

The honor timing of Saturn comes after 30 years. What are its benefits and special qualities we have already been written in our previous articles with details. Albeit again we are going to give its short briefing here that for which purposes it can be beneficial and effected, this article is especially for those peoples who could not get this talisman due to any reason so they can get it now for special effects on this special occasion of Saturn. Read more

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Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Loh e Nusrat

Loh e Nusrat is a very helpful Loh for them who are facing marital life’s problems, living with full of fear from enemies, risk of life, involve in a case related with law and wish to win, require safety and protection also it can be beneficial for many other purposes. Read more

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Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Talisman of Saturn Az Gayat ul Hakeem

How we can take advantages of this blissful timings, If there are differences between two persons or groups so they can be friends, if anybody has fear to loss any service, employment or property etc or if somebody is engaged or married and also he/she has risk that his/her relationship can break up anytime so all these situations can be handled, for long lasting achievement, to live safely from enemies and of course all of them can get benefits those have Saturn with worthless influences In their birth chart or those who have been suffering from the seven and a half years (saarh satti) period of Saturn like that persons who belong to Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Read more

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Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Saturn’s Ring

Usually this ring can be prepared during the days of rising month at any good timing of Saturn (Sa’at e Zohol) but after a long period (29 years) this great opportunity was coming up means it was the best and special time to make this ring so we haven’t missed it and didn’t slight it and during those special moments we have made some limited rings. Read more

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Djinn and Spiritual Entities


An effective and an experimental process of haziraat for meet with the spirits of saint in dream to consult about the solution of matter. Read more

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Mystical Practices and Magical Techniques

Geomancy In The Light Of Facts

It is obvious that streams of knowledge and arts are rapidly drying. It is hard to find the knowledgeable scholars who are able to acquaint humankind to deeply veiled mysteries of nature. Geomancy (Foretelling by figures) is an ocean of knowledge which has been captivated in the breasts of its experts.Geomancy is science of points and lines but its secret is concealed like a tremendous enigma which requires a small hint to be solved. Read more