Nowruz 2020: Wealth, Success and Happiness

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This year the event of Nowruz will start on 20 March 2020 at 08:49:29. This an ideal time to make all types of amulets and talisman and to pray for the fulfilment of wishes. We have presented many articles on Nowruz. We are giving the links of these articles so that you can make any spiritual item according to your needs. Nowruz is the event when planet Sun after traveling through all zodiac signs once again enter into Aries at 0 degree. It is the point from where lunar calendar year begins. 

This an ideal time to make all types of amulets and talisman and to pray for the fulfilment of wishes. We have presented many articles on Nowruz. We are giving the links of these articles so that you can make any spiritual item according to your needs. Nowruz is the event when planet Sun after traveling through all zodiac signs once again enter into Aries at 0 degree. It is the point from where lunar calendar year begins. 

People from the field of spirituality keep waiting for this auspicious event to prepare special amulets and talismans for different purpose. Before presenting articles on the topic it is better to mention the method of finding the exact timing of this event.

It is said that at the start of this event everything comes to still state for a short period of time.

In old times we find various complex mathematical formulas to find this event. With the progress of human knowledge astrology is also benefiting from various tools. All these tools are designed by human therefore there is always a margin of error. Some people put a rose flower in a bowl of water or milk. At the time of event the flower starts to move. Some put water in a clay jar and make some holes in it. The water starts to flow from the holes but on the exact event the water stops flowing. Nowruz festival is celebrated all over world. At the time of Nowruz people living in Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, India and Turkey prepare special dishes and exchange gifts.

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Talisman Fatha Nama – Success In Every Matter

Every human has desire for success in very matter of life. He works day and night to achieve his goal but his hardest efforts does not bring fruits. In spiritual world we find many courses that can bring desired fruits of efforts with a small effort. Nowruz is the most favourable time to achieve your goals.

Zakat In Spirituality

Every human has a desire to have a tool that can solve his problem with great ease.
To accomplish a goal in spirituality requires spiritual authority that can infuse spiritual power in any talisman, amulet and other items. spirituality also has certain rules and regulations. The rules are the base of spiritual world and without following them every effort to attain spiritual power is an effort in vain. To achieve success in spiritual world it is necessary to go through certain spiritual exercises and methods. These exercises and methods are called ‘’Zakat’’. We present a fully effective method of Zakat that can be exercised during Nowruz.

Qatmeer Talisman

Being a human we have many wishes and dreams that we want to see them as reality. On the auspicious event of Nowruz we are presenting a rare talisman. If it is made with rules defined by spirituality then it will bring 100% results. The talisman is associated to Ashab e Kahf (people of cave). The talisman has great benefits but today we will focus only on its powers of protection.

A Powerful Protection

We are living in a world which is full of dangers. Millions of innocent have lost their lives due to religious and ethnic terrorism. We are presenting a method that will protect every individual from all sorts of dangers, accidents and terrorism.

About Tahir H 108 Articles
Meditation and spirituality are the love of my life.

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