Mars Dignified | The Best Immunity Against Virus | Protection From Deadly Virus
Planet Mars magic square talisman for protection from deadly viruses. Mars has been given the power not only to protect but also cure deadly diseases Read more
Planet Mars magic square talisman for protection from deadly viruses. Mars has been given the power not only to protect but also cure deadly diseases Read more
Saturn affects important matters of life. Saturn aspect brings stability in many areas of life. Saturn and Mercury will begin sextile at 7:40 a.m. on November 30, 2020. The sextile will reach at highest point Read more
The human development on this planet is extraordinary. Man can definitely be proud of his success on earth. According to a general theory, when humans inhabit planet earth, they started to live as animals. Then Read more
A few years back there was a business tagline of a cigarette manufacturing company ‘’Come for the style, stay for the taste.’’ This tagline truly paints the reality of younger generation of every era. To Read more
Spiritual healing is great way to have children. Spiritual healing is not only a mental exercise, it is also a complete system to obtain health. We find countless cases where medical science failed but spiritual healing brought person back to life. Read more
Teenage depression is rising at an alarming rate all over the world. There are certain signs that can lead us to find that whether a teenage is suffering from depression or not. Read more
The planet Mars will enter its point of Dignity on 17 August at 18:24 and it remain there till 19 August at 7:59. The time is as per Pakistan standard time. A talismanic ring is given which is associated to obtain high sexual powers and great physical health.
This process is demonstrated by Late Mr. Allama Dr. Ghulam Abbas Shad Gillani. Needy peoples can acquire benefits by following this given method. Read more
Sleep paralysis demon is a frightening reality from which no one can escape. Sleep is the necessity of human body to refresh itself. Sometimes the beauty of sleep takes a horrific turn. It hands over a sleeping person to unseen entities to choke him to death. No one can run from its cruel claws from world famous fashion model Kendall Jenner to an ordinary person. Medicine is unable to provide a complete cure of this phenomenon. We present a complete treatment from Islamic studies. Read more
The progress in human knowledge has brought an ease and comfort to life but on the other hand it has also opened the doors to utilize this knowledge to work with negative energies. The objective of this article is to provide useful information to our readers on various types of magic, physical and psychic attacks and how we can protect ourselves from these negative forces so that our life is not ruined. Read more
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