Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Protection Talisman: Shield Of Prophet

Apart from wisdom and knowledge the modern man has inherited fears from his ancestor. First humans on the planet earth quickly understood the meaning of fear during the early days of their presence on this planet. The shape of fears has been changed with our life style and knowledge. Our society is a home to countless fears that a human has to face in his daily life. Our fears are sophisticated and high tech. Imminent threat of terrorism is the new breed of fear. Wars, crime, unemployment, climate change, earthquakes, tsunamis, abuse and drugs are few to name. Today we are presenting a talisman based on the verse no. 128 and 129 of Surah Al Tauba. The talisman is unique. Read more

Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Venus Dignified May 2018

The planet Venus will be dignified on 12 May 2018 at 6:12:14 am and will remain in this state till 13 May 2018 at 02:08:20 am. The time give here as per Pakistan’s standard time. Read more

Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

The Planet Mercury Exalt 21 Sept. 2017

Planet Mercury brings great benefits to humans when it is exalted and dignified. It directly effects various matters of life. The power of speech and writing, education and specialization in higher studies, sharpening the memory, attracts children towards studies, removes obtuse, gives intelligence and wisdom, heals speaking impediments. It also gives health to patients suffering from various mental diseases including schizophrenia, mental instability, epilepsy, protection against accidents, news papers, magazines, online communication, TV, social media all comes under Mercury domain. At the event of Mercury Exalt various talismans and amulets are presented. Read more

Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Mercury Exalted Sept. 2017

The planet Mercury comes to the point of exalt when it enters in the house of Virgo at 15 degree. The Mercury exalt will start on 21 Sept. 2017 at 07:08 and will last till 21 Sept. at 21:13. Mercury governs education, transport, travel to foreign countries, short distance travel, messages including emails and telephone calls, newspapers, journalism, writing and online communication skills. Read more

Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Mars Talisman For Victory Over Enemies And Opponents

On the auspicious event of Mars dignity we are presenting a talisman that will save you from the evil of your enemies and opponents. Your enemies will be failed in harming you. With blessings of this talisman people will abandon their enmity and will start praising you. The planet Mars will enter its point of Dignity on 17 August at 18:24 and it remain there till 19 August at 7:59. The time is as per Pakistan standard time. Read more

Amulets, Talismans, and Planetary Magic

Mars Jupiter Trine May 2017

One of the important events of the year 2017 is the trine of planet Mars with planet Jupiter. The event time will start on 11 May 2017 at 07:48 in the morning and will end on 13 May 2017 at 23:02. This planetary aspect is very effective to increase wealth and to open new doors to have great income. Spiritualists consider this talisman more effective than Jupiter talisman. With be blessings of Almighty ALLAH you will be a rich person in a short period of time. Even if a beggar strictly follows the instruction within a year he will have great amount of wealth. Read more