The planet Venus will be dignified on 12 May 2018 at 6:12:14 am and will remain in this state till 13 May 2018 at 02:08:20 am. The time give here as per Pakistan’s standard time.
The planet Venus is associated with unity and discipline in human life. Venus is the ruler of 2nd and 7th house of zodiac. The second house belongs to wealth and other material possessions where as the seventh house is the house of life and business partners.
During the auspicious time of Venus amulets and talismans are made to attract masses, to put love in any heart, to get married with a desired person, wealth, winning hearts of public and make a particular person to be in love with you.
Wealth Talisman
A good flow of wealth or good financial sources opens the doors for the freedom to make choices for a better life. Money also shows us new paths of opportunity by which we can excel in life. The shortage of money blocks choices to live a good life. The method presented here is very powerful for attracting wealth. Please visit the LINK for details.
Love And Marriage
We are presenting here a precious spiritual method which holds prominent place for its effects in creating love and harmony. This method is well known for creating great love in marital relations. This will also help those who want to marry a particular person. Similarly this method will remove hatred among relatives and bind them in love. Click on the LINK to read complete method.
Business Success – Political And Showbiz Fame
We invest in business to make good money so that we can live best life. The success of a business depends upon its clients. The talisman presented here enables a business to attract masses so that he can achieve his target of great wealth without any failures. People in politics are showbiz need great public attraction to stay in power and fame. Those who are struggling in this field can also benefit from this method. Please visit the LINK for details.
Amicable Numbers Talisman For Love And Conquest
Amicable numbers holds a prominent place in the world of spirituality and occult. The amicable numbers are also knows as Love Pair due to their magical powers in love and conquest of all sorts. You can read details on this LINK.
Greatest And Unique Talisman Of Prophet Solomon(a.s.)
Every human wants success in every matter of life. At this auspicious event we present a talisman associated to Prophet Suleiman a.s. which has never been presented before in any book. The talisman holds the spiritual powers of Surah Al Dahar of Holy Quran. The values of the entire Surah have been placed by a special method of ILM e Jafr. The values of three sides make the total of Surah Al Dahar and other two sides make a total of 12. For details please visit the LINK.
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