Divine Guidance – Istikhara
Seeking guidance from Almighty ALLAH in matters of life is called divine guidance or istikhara. Read more
Seeking guidance from Almighty ALLAH in matters of life is called divine guidance or istikhara. Read more
The planet Mars will enter its point of Dignity on 17 August at 18:24 and it remain there till 19 August at 7:59. The time is as per Pakistan standard time. A talismanic ring is given which is associated to obtain high sexual powers and great physical health.
On the auspicious event of Mars dignity we are presenting a talisman that will save you from the evil of your enemies and opponents. Your enemies will be failed in harming you. With blessings of this talisman people will abandon their enmity and will start praising you. The planet Mars will enter its point of Dignity on 17 August at 18:24 and it remain there till 19 August at 7:59. The time is as per Pakistan standard time. Read more
There are few in this world with whom luck walks hand in hand. In our materialistic world the only parameter to judge the success is wealth.Does it mean that 92 percent of world population is poor because they were jinx. Read more
It is the responsibility of government to protect its citizens.Criminals are adopting new ways to commit crimes.From the two decades the world is in the cruel grip of terrorism. All international efforts are falling short to eliminate this evil.It will be better if every citizen take measures to protect himself and his loved ones along with government plans. Read more
Every human has a desire to have a tool that can solve his problem with great ease. We also find many who have the ambition to rule others in their own circle. There are also those who are always in search of super natural powers so that they can get what they wish. When ALLAH name or verse from Holy Quran then you must recite that name and verse for 1,25000. This recitation is called ‘’Zakat’’ in spiritual world.To achieve success in spiritual world it is necessary to go through certain spiritual exercises and methods. Read more
Sleep paralysis demon is a frightening reality from which no one can escape. Sleep is the necessity of human body to refresh itself. Sometimes the beauty of sleep takes a horrific turn. It hands over a sleeping person to unseen entities to choke him to death. No one can run from its cruel claws from world famous fashion model Kendall Jenner to an ordinary person. Medicine is unable to provide a complete cure of this phenomenon. We present a complete treatment from Islamic studies. Read more
After exalt the state of dignity of a planet has been recognized as the most effective power. We are presenting a combination of various articles to make different talisman and amulets on this event so that any person can benefit according to his needs. Read more
Planet Sun is known as the king of the planets. It is the most powerful planet of our solar system. It showers positive energies on earth. Body and soul get benefits from these positive energies. The Exalt of Sun is of high importance. At this time Sun showers its cosmic rays on the earth. If these rays are absorbed and put into different spiritual amulets and talisman then these bring a highly positive attraction to holder of these talisman or amulets. Read more
Every language has a sole purpose and it is to express the feelings. The knowledge to use the alphabets of a language for spiritual purpose is known as Knowledge Of Alphabets (ILM ul Haroof). Traditions show that this knowledge was given to Prophet Adam(a.s.). Each alphabet is associated to a spiritual entity known as Moakkil or angel. It is written in ancient authentic books that the talismans made with sawamat are so powerful that they can produce desired results from few hours to few days. Read more
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